Discover The A to Z Of Value Investing & Trading Across Multiple Financial Instruments

To make your savings grow consistently and save for your retirement without being stuck with just an active income

Why Learn To Invest Now?

Stuck With Just
An Active Income?

Reach your financial goals even when your 9-5 job just doesn’t cut it

Struggling To Save
For Retirement?

If you’re looking to build a sustainable savings for your family and future

Looking To Make
Your Savings Grow?

Allow your money to build and create wealth over time consistently

Why Learn With InvestorEd?

Learn From A Credible Source And Teacher

With 45 years experience working for top financial institutions, you cannot find a more reliable person to learn from like Robert Tay

Step-By-Step Curriculum To Investment

Feeling crammed and struggling to keep up on 3-day investment courses? We do too, so we break it up to a concise learning journey

Achieve Within Your Means, Grow Your Income Your Way

No false promises, no outrageous guarantees, no misleading messages at InvestorEd. Only thing we talk about is how to comfortably invest

With about 45 years of experience in the financial investment sector, Robert Tay is arguably the most credible source to learn about value investing from

Robert Tay has an expansive career across 6 different brokerages and banks, as well as educating over thousands of students and fellow Singaporeans across NUS, SIM and through Share Investor.

In addition, he’s known for  his lively, enthusiastic and interactive classes and keeping his students engaged by bringing investment theories on a practical, easy-to-understand level.

With his specialization in stock research and analysis, he is arguably one of the best teachers to learn value investing and stock trading from.

Here are some of the companies and educators Robert has worked with before.

Very good course for beginner. Would definitely recommend this course to others. Teaching pace is very appropriate. Mr. Tay tried to make sure that everyone understand before he moved to the next topic. Definitely value for money

David Low Sow MenCourse Participant

Course reinforced my previous learning in financials ratios by knowing how to apply it and interpret the numbers. Having some guidelines on the strategy approach will help me to make decisions in stock selections and re-look into my current portfolio

Carmen ChongCourse Participant

This course is value to me. It make me more clear and understand what is Fundamental Analysis Investment. Thank you very much, Mr. Robert

Jasmine Lim Boon Bee Course Participant

The series of lectures were very well received as acknowledged by the very positive feedback from all the seminar participants and their requests on the possibility of engaging Mr. Tay to teach investment courses in the near future.

Millie R MatiasCountry Manager, Reuters

Mr. Tay’s investment courses have been well received by the investing public and course participation have given very positive feedback on the courses.

Lesley KwekVice president, Education Department, SGX

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